IT Support

We can help you determine if your current IT Support needs are being met, and help you plan for the future—to ensure you are moving in step with technology advancements.

No two companies are alike. Each one has different needs, goals, and strategies. This results in every IT system requiring different software, network planning, and tech support.

No one understands this better than 612 Network. From staffing and company organization, to budgeting and asset management, having a highly knowledgeable 24/7 IT resource enormously complements your business. Streamlining your computer processes gives you time to work with the most important part of your business—your customer.

Technology in the workplace is more than just a computer and printer. You must deal with workstations, mobile technology, information technology, the Cloud, and your professional technology network. If any one of these systems breaks down, you and your employees will lose productivity that hurts your bottom line.

We offer a wide range of IT Support services and management to help your business run smoothly. Examples include:
• Malware Protection: We protect your computer system from spyware, worms, Trojan horses and ransomware that can potentially leave viruses within your system.

• Secure Access: Remote users/offices are assured access through a secure login portal, to help prevent hacks and potential fraud.

• 24/7 Technical Support: Available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, without exception.

• Firewall and Switch Installation/Repair: With these sometimes overlooked peripheral devices, we insist on using only the highest quality firewalls and switches. Firewall and switch technology is critical to protecting your network from malware and other potentially harmful software.

• Administrative Support: Another element essential to optimal IT Support is a vendor’s administrative proficiency. This includes not only specific tasks such as license and maintenance renewals, but all the aspects of superior administrative support—invoicing, hardware seller pricing discounts, maintaining strong relationship agreements with ISPs, telecommunications providers, etc.

• Mobile Device Management (MDM): Specialized security software is used to manage, monitor, and secure mobile devices.

• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): A form of Cloud computing that provides virtualized computing resources over the internet.

• Monitoring: Many vendors receive network monitoring data, but the important factor is what they do with it. We believe that no one more carefully and consistently scrutinizes the monitoring data provided by our Managed IT platforms than 612 Network.

• Maintenance: This is an activity we are mindful of performing not just sporadically or periodically, but on a consistent daily basis.

• Company Culture—Uniform Quality of Support: Clients who come to us often say that they were not satisfied with the previous IT company providing their service—but they overlooked that dissatisfaction because of their comfort with the individual technician assigned to their account. We never receive such negative feedback, because our total company services are no less important to us than individual technician performance. We pride ourselves on a commitment to having a culture where unremitting excellence is uniform across all 612 Network services and solutions, people and technology.