Network Security

Your computer network is only as useful as it is secure. Our Network Security Services offer the strongest possible protection against viruses, hackers, and ransomware. With a secure network, you better maintain optimal productivity. A security breach could not only cost you financially, but endanger your entire identity and reputation in the marketplace.

Keeping your computer network safe is as essential as keeping your doors locked when your office is closed. Locking your doors keeps people from walking in and stealing your physical assets. Keeping your computer network safe keeps people from stealing or destroying your data, such as proprietary information.

Proper Network Security might start with such simple procedures as modifying your existing password policy. Each of your authorized individuals needs to receive appropriate network access identification to assure that only approved individuals can gain access to either the entire network, or restricted to those parts of the network relevant to their specific work responsibilities.

There are three principal elements to your Network Security services package:
• Software: We install software tailored to your business vulnerabilities.

• Monitoring: We provide monitoring of your systems 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our monitoring services help surface security intrusions as they enter the system, often repairing problems immediately as they occur.

• Mobile Device Management (MDM): Mobile devices which have access to your company’s wireless network also need protection, because they may introduce increasingly prevalent viruses. We have access to software that allows you to control, secure, and enforce policies relating to your employees’ tablets and smart phones.